Google AdSense 下号了





Site does not comply with Google policies: We're unable to approve your AdSense application at this time because your site does not comply with the Google AdSense program policies or adhere to the Webmaster Quality guidelines. It's our goal to provide our advertisers sites that offer rich and meaningful content, receive organic traffic, and allow us to serve well-targeted ads to users. We believe that currently your site does not fulfill this criteria.

Here are some recommendations to help you improve the user experience on your site and comply with AdSense criteria:

  • It’s important for sites displaying Google ads to offer significant value to the user. As a publisher, you must provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.
  • Don’t place ads on auto-generated pages or pages with little to no original content.
  • Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through your pages and find the information they’re seeking.


Insufficient content: To be approved for AdSense and show relevant ads on your site, your pages need to have enough text on them for our specialists to review and for our crawler to be able to determine what your pages are about.

To resolve this issue, please work through the following suggestions:

  • Make sure that your pages have sufficient text - websites that contain mostly images, videos or Flash animations will not be approved.
  • Your content should contain complete sentences and paragraphs, not only headlines.
  • Ensure that your website is fully built and launched before you apply for AdSense - do not apply while your site’s still in a beta or “under construction” phase or only consists of a website template.
  • Place the ad code on a live page of your website. It does not have to be the main page, but test pages that are empty except for the AdSense ad code will not be approved.
  • Provide a clear navigation system for your visitors so that they can easily find all of the sections and pages of your website.
  • If you’d like to monetize YouTube videos, please apply for the YouTube monetization program. Note that blogs and websites that contain only videos will not be approved.

直接说内容不足了,既然这样,那就再加些内容好了,本来想着直接加到100条文章的,结果比较懒,复制粘贴到85条就懒得再加了,也是等了几天,google site到60多条记录,实际放出来的收录有20多条,然后这几天也开始每天刷点流量,另外也给网站加上了https,结果被拒了,被拒的原因有点尴尬

Unable to review your site: While reviewing http://domain, we found that your site was down or unavailable. If you applied through an AdSense host partner, such as YouTube or Blogger, your hosted site was not available or not found (removed) at the time of the review.


第六次申请,因为上次被拒原因有点尬,所以改成直接用https的网址申请,google site查到100多条收录,放出来30多条,继续每天刷着流量,然结果仍是被拒,被拒邮件又跟一开始一样样了。


本来想着应该还是会被拒,等了三天,结果,哈哈,今天打开邮箱一看,竟然是获批的邮件,意外不意外,惊喜不惊喜,从5月28号到6月27号,历时整整一个月,Google AdSense终于下号了,嗯,用的是英文站,申请的是美号。

总结,其实也没啥可总结,因为套路并没有摸清楚,对google adsense的审核标准也还是不了解,不过有个百十来篇文章,适当刷点流量,每天有百十来个IP应该就可以了,最好是文章的内容可以适当的搞一搞,如果纯复制粘贴,可能不太容易过,也可能是复制粘贴选的源站不咋的,像我被拒这么多次一样,搞不好也是运气,碰巧最后这次审核的人标准比较宽松,哈哈,所以不好说呢,毕竟是人工审核。

其实说起来这都不算是第一个google adsense账号了,在很久很久以前,大概2010年就下过一个号了,是不是很久了,呵呵,国号,也是申请了好多次过的,不过那会下号之后,emmm~就只是下了一个号,然后就一直都木有搞,说来还真是惭愧,至今那个号也才十多刀吧,算了,不多说了,说多了都是泪,搞站搞站,搞流量搞流量,没有流量,神马都是浮云,搞起来~

标签: Google, AdSense
